How a Highlighter Changed My Life

Kingdom Winds is a platform that seeks to meet others where they are and boost them higher, acting as a highlighter in its own right.

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“So tell me about your job. What do you do?” you ask.

That might be one of my favorite questions in the world.

With a smile beaming on my face, I say, “I work my dream job!”


Walking across the stage at church to celebrate my college graduation didn’t seem like a big deal to me. If it weren’t for my mother, I probably wouldn’t have gone. Only three other people joined me in the spotlight, having just graduated from high school. I had earned my English degree with a Writing minor from Emmanuel College, rendering me slightly out of place. While the rounds of applause rang in my ears, my mind drifted to the world of “adulting.”

What about a job, God?

I reminded Him of my obedience in college. This once-Christian-Ministry-major had been tugged into the English department after nearly a year of classes and homework. It was my strongest subject. Straight As every year of grade school served as the proof in the pudding. Writing and editing coursed through my veins. After a prayerful two weeks, I ended my freshman year by knocking on the door of Grammar and Punctuation and experienced undeniable peace. Then, graduation zoomed toward me with lightning speed.

“You could get a job waitressing.”

“What about babysitting?”

“Have you thought about teaching?”

But I didn’t want to settle. I was putting my faith in God for something beyond my heart’s desires. Don’t get me wrong. None of the above feats is a breeze.

It’s just that I’m stubborn.

My mother prompted me to look into Focus on the Family. They had a position perfect for me. “Apply!” she insisted while I was visiting friends in Virginia. This was probably her fifth time reminding me.

“Yes, Mom. I will when I get back.”

Upon returning home, I eagerly pulled up the application. I poured my heart and soul into my resume and the reasons they should hire me.

Then I waited.

And waited some more.

During those two snail-paced weeks, I received a message on Facebook from a random woman I had never heard of or seen: Elizabeth Suess. She was telling me about a publishing company that she and her husband, Gary, were starting locally and asked me if I’d like more information. Surely, she must have stumbled across my blog or our mutual friends told her about me. How else would she know I’m a writer? She said Gary would contact me to provide details.

Great, so at least someone is recognizing my creativity. But, again, what about a job, God?

With a deep breath, I reached back out to Beth a few days later to ask her about job openings. You have not because you ask not, right?

Meanwhile, Focus on the Family finally got in touch. Though the rejection email was sweet and uplifting, I winced as disappointment flushed over me. The lady mentioned I was in the top candidates for the position, which is great and all except it’s like being told you’re second or third best. At least she told me to apply for another position with the ministry.

Take two.

Not a full day had gone by when I was rejected a second time for a different position at Focus on the Family. What was it going to take to get a job? Did God not have my back? Did He not want me to succeed and have my gifts and passions fostered?

Then Beth messaged me again.

And then we had a 45-minute phone call.

And then I met face-to-face with her and Gary.

“The Lord highlighted you to both Gary and me when you were on stage on Graduation Sunday,” she explained. “We didn’t feel like it was the right time to reach out yet, and then when we wanted to move forward, we couldn’t find you at first.”

I was floored. Something that initially seemed minuscule was the very tool God used to grant me a job beyond my wildest imagination. Where I had worried about falling behind and not being qualified enough for a solid career, the Lord was orchestrating behind the scenes. He was a real-life Highlighter on my behalf.

God made me known. Kingdom Winds sought me out. And I think that’s one of the beautiful things about Kingdom Winds. It truly is a platform that seeks to meet others where they are and boost them higher, acting as a highlighter in its own right.

Kingdom Winds presents a fresh approach to media by encompassing every type of creative. The company has a special way of unifying them while also showcasing their individual hearts and gifts at the same time. This strategy is a beautiful picture of the Body of Christ and how it functions as one force for the Kingdom despite having separate abilities.

Working here since September 2017 has brought nothing but new family members, growth spurts, increased faith, and a whole lot of laughter and love. I sincerely hope and pray that every person who encounters the site and its content acquires all of those same blessings and more.



Featured Image by Pixabay

About the Author

Becca is a gentle soul who seeks the best in the world and in others. She is easily touched by the beauty of books, music, and art. Though she aspires to write as eloquently as Emily Dickinson or Lang Leav, she hopes to leave her own mark on the world one day. She dreams of leaving behind a voice that sparks creativity, imagination, hope, love, joy, and faith.